Sunday, March 10, 2013

Richard's Fictional Subs: The CSX Collier City Sub

Another subdivision built on the same line for Trainz Railroad Simulator 2010. This time what I call the Collier City Sub. This line runs east & west & is the origin for the northern end of the Red City Sub. The line has 4 towns on it & has a large railyard near the Red City Sub, which is just outside the city of Bessemore. The line has a lot of protection especially near the east end of the yard. This line also crosses the original main @ grade. 

WB Clinchfield exiting Collier City
WB Clinchfield Mixed freighter about to pass the jct where the Red City Sub Starts
The train heading west rounding the curve
Speeding past by us w a nice large reefer :)
Past the Red City Sub jct. is the Bessemore Yard it has its own refueling area & yard office which is a changing point for crews. This line is also used by Amtrak with stops @ Bessemore, Collier City & another town west of Bessemore. West (south) of Bessemore the track turns into a single main & a Defect Detector just before crossing the original mainline. The interlocking diamond is known as "Maple Jct." & features 3 connection tracks for eastbounds & westbounds.

A SB mixed freighter on the original main
About to tackle the diamonds
Clashing the diamonds
The train so far wat it looks like
Hoppers hammering the diamonds 
General freight still pounding the diamond
Bulkheads clashing the diamonds
The last 2 (3) cars of the train are these funny beer can tankers now making constant noise as they  make the last clashing sounds before disappearing into the night.
The light you see in the pics above is the light of an awaiting NS freighter that was waiting its turn to go west. The CSX train was doing like 50mph according to the dd down the line.
The NS freighter that was waiting 
Quite a nice assortment of power his guy had unfortunately those emds did not lead >:O
NS #9689 shattering the diamonds

You can definitely see "why" the signals are red lol
To be continued....

Richard's Fictional Subs: The CSX Red City Sub

So as I said before I'd be creating individual seperate pages for my fictional subdivisions. Here is 1 of them. This particular blog is about the story of what I call the CSX Red City Sub. This rail line origins off the other mainline on a WYE, the WYE leads to the main & the CSX "Richardson Yard", 6 trains origin at this yard, mainly intermodal/mixed freight combo trains, 1 is a trash/mixed freight combo, the other is a mixed freight, 4 of them terminate @ Red City itself, while the other 1 continues to a yard called "Frederick Yard". This count also includes their counterparts. This line sees a lot more traffic, the other line that continues straight sees much less traffic but often unit trains & some mixed freight & rarely passengers. This line crosses 3 towns/cities & 2 unincorporated communities.

SB mixed freight heading on the last few miles of the Red City Sub before turning the WYE onto to the other mainline

SB Intermodal/Mixed freighter heading south on the last few miles of the Red City Sub

Like mentioned before, there is a Defect Detector (DD) @ milepost 2.0 which is just outside of Cream City, which lies on milepost 1.5. There are signals for southbounders in the downtown area of Cream City & a signal for northbounders on the single main, there is a small siding track in Cream City but its not a passing siding. It's just for small trains & setting off cars. Also in the city is a newly installed Amtrak Station.

NB CSX Intermodal tipping the N. Cream City Signal for northbounders
Just past Cream City there is a large curve & the line aims straight again. Not far from the curve is a waste facility with its own railyard. 
Here trains will drop off cars with trash containers on them & a local from the nearby Red City Yard will carry some cars with ash containers to this facility.
Waste Flats
The waste flatcar "yard" in between flats
The trash cars sitting in the yard
The yard after a train has dropped off some cars & worked the yard
 Going north is the unincorporated community of Hayne, it's nothing but 2 houses & hills & where the double track segment of the Red City Sub begins as well as the Defect Detector & signals guarding the line for south & northbounders.
NB CNW 1995 Mixed freighter heading for Red City near Hayne
NB mixed freighter clearing the signals @ Hayne
NB Mixed freight nice long mixed string of cars
NB mixed freight 
SB mixed freight w awesome rare power
SB 1 unit wonder
SB 1 unit wonder running thru the beautiful countryside....better hope it doesnt runaway lol...
Train passing just north of the small unincoporated "community" of Hayne
Past Hayne is a 4 lane highway that encounters the Red City Sub lucky them the trains here go full speed, near by is a church as well & a 4 lane expressway that surpasses the Red City sub as well as more hills through this beautiful countryside. North of the highway crossing is another railroad crossing through the plain woods, it was recently built not long ago. This crossing lies near South Red City, here there are signals guarding the line north & south.

NB AWVR freighter @ South Red City prior to the installments of signals here
Mixed freight bound for Red City Yard @ South Red City prior to the grade xing
SB mixed freighter out of Red City Yard for the short trip to Richardson Yard
About a mile or so ahead lies the City of Red City!, this area has the largest railyard on the entire Red City Sub, it is a freight & intermodal yard. That explains why so many trains out of Richardson Yard have intermodal on them. Red City has its own share of activity & life, in it is the Red City Amtrak, about 6 amtraks use this station as well as diesel-powered commuters. Signals guard the line on the last crossing of town & north of the Amtrak station.

Mixed freight through Red City
Red City @ nite the signals guarding the line
Woohoo! a great sign! :)
The SB that showed the clear signal
Train through Red City
Train through Red City 
Red City Yard is a crew changing point for train crews, Trains coming thru here will sometimes make set offs depending.
SB mixed freight @ Red City Yard

Past the yard are a series of crossovers & lots of signals guarding the yard & main. By this area is the small unincorporated community of Crisp. This community has much more than "Hayne". It has its own BP gas station & more houses though it is still part of the Red City population. 

SB small military train rounding the curve north of Crisp
Past Crisp is another large curve. The tracks continue to run in a double track & not far from the above picture is a small downhill run & curvy like track 

SB mixed freighter
Fast small train on the Red City Sub.

BNSF Freight train through the woods
KCS Trash Train after having been met a CNW mixed freighter down the line
A very nice shot...NB CSX train originating out of Red City Yard bound for Fredrick Yard

An odd sight of a passenger train travelling through the unique landscape of the Red City Sub.

The tracks run through the forest & the road that parallels the railway. The line now has 2 bridges & in between a small neighborhood & fishers area & signals guarding the rails. Up ahead is a small town & this is the end of the double track segment for the line. These are now the last miles of track on the subdivision.

Train through town
Crossing the river for this long train
NB Mixed intermodal mixed freight w nice vintage rare power
Oddball of a CEFX leader on a train consisting of hoppers & tankers
On this part of the line lies a large river/lake as well as a parking lot for fishers or visitors to park in. Right beside the area is a mobile home park, seems like residents don't mind the train very close to their homes lol

The mobile home park
Right beside the trailer park is the north WYE of the Red City Sub, This is the north end of the sub division. This leads to the CSX Collier City Sub which also lies on another large railyard. There is a railyard right next to this wye & a train from Richardson Yard comes to this yard as well as with other Collier City Sub trains.

Classics in action...rare griswold signal & power for trains now. The train takes the east leg of the WYE
A long train coming of the west leg of the WYE
Train coming of the west leg of the WYE
The interlocking is controlled by gantry signals as well as crossovers.

An unusual rare leader leading a train off the Red City sub onto the Collier City Sub 
The train divering from the #1 to #2 track

Mixed freight passing the interlocking
The last cars 
Odd sight of a Family Lines caboose on a CSX train wierd lol but matching

That's the whole Red City Sub in details. So there it goes. The story of the Red City Sub just like the last pic. Hope you guys like it.